Unibill Errors

Unibill Errors


You have called another Unibill method before Unibill’s onBillerReady event has fired. You must wait until this event fires before calling any other Unibill method.


Storekit reported In App Billing as unavailable; In-App purchases are disabled in General Settings/Restrictions. They must be enabled for Unibill to work.


When Unibill queried Storekit to verify the list of available purchases, Storekit returned no valid products. You can follow these instructions for diagnosing invalid product identifiers.


When Unibill queried Storekit to verify the list of available purchases, Storekit returned this product as invalid. You should verify that its identifier is correct and matches up in iTunes Connect. You can follow these instructions for diagnosing invalid product identifiers.


You are attempting to purchase a product that Storekit explicitly returned as invalid. You must fix this problem before you will be able to purchase it; follow these instructions for diagnosing invalid product identifiers.


Unibill encountered an error attempting to retrieve your product list from Storekit. This may indicate a transient problem with iTunes Connect.


The Google Play billing service indicated that In App purchasing is disabled. In App purchasing must be enabled in the device’s settings.


You have not configured your Application’s public key in the Inventory Editor. Follow the instructions in the main documentation.


The Google Play public key you have configured is not valid. Be sure you have copy and pasted the complete key, according to the instructions in the main documentation


You have tried to initiate a purchase of the specified product but Google Play returned it as unavailable.


Google Play did not return any of your products as available for purchase, so no purchases can be made.You must create an Alpha or Beta distribution of your App to test your In App Purchases. Google no longer support testing against a draft, unpublished version of your APK.

  • You must be signed into the test account on the device as the main device account.
  • Make sure your App’s bundle identifier matches the bundle identifier in the Google Play publisher console.
  • Make sure your App’s version code matches the version code in the Google Play publisher console.
  • Make sure your App is signed with a release key.
  • On the device, make sure you have accepted the latest Google Play terms of service; open the Google Play App and accept any terms of services that are presented.


The specified product was not returned as available by Google Play. Check that you have configured it correctly in Google Play and given Unibill the correct identifier.


This is a non critical error. When running using the Amazon billing service, Unibill queries the Amazon API to verify that your list of products is valid; this error indicates that this query failed to complete, likely due to lack of network connectivity. Assuming connectivity is restored, you should be able to purchase products assuming they have been correctly setup in the Amazon portal.


When running using the Amazon billing service, Unibill queries the Amazon API to verify that your list of products is valid. Amazon has reported this product as invalid; you should verify that you have it setup correctly in the Amazon developer portal.


This is a critial error. When running using the Amazon billing service, Unibill queries the Amazon API to verify that your list of products is valid. Amazon has responded without a single valid product; therefore there is nothing that you can purchase. You should verify your purchase metadata in the Amazon developer portal.


When running using the Amazon billing service, Unibill queries the Amazon API to verify that your list of products is valid. Amazon responded that this product is invalid, therefore you cannot purchase it and it is an error to attempt to. You should verify your purchase’s metadata in the Amazon developer portal.


The specified product was not returned as available by Microsoft. Check you have created it correctly in the Microsoft developer portal and you have given Unibill the correct identifier.


No products were returned as available for purchase by Microsoft, so no purchases can be made.


You have attempted to purchase a product which was not returned as available by Microsoft, so it cannot be purchased.


You must configure your product ID in your visual studio project


You have attempted to lookup or purchase a product with an unknown identifier; verify that you have setup a product with this identifier in the Inventory Editor.


Unibill has finished initialising but encountered a critical error, meaning it us unable to make purchases. You can retrieve details of the underlying error as specified in the documentation.


This is a critical error. You are attempting to start Unibill but you have not defined any products in the Inventory Editor. You must tell Unibill what products you have before you can purchase them, as documented.